Madrecuixe 2015 | Cándido García Cruz | Summer 2020 Release | MADCAN1505 | 240 bottles
Available through Pueblo de Sabor in CA
Similar to Cándido’s Bicuixe 2019, the ripe Madrecuixe used in this batch came from a grower, or magueyero, from the neighboring village of Tecolote. These specific lands are made up of a white-colored earth that bleed into what Cándido calls cascajo amarillo, describing a yellowish and very rocky limestone-rich soil. In May 2015, Cándido brought back a mix of approximately 35 capón and guía Madrecuixe piñas, enough to fill two sabino wood fermentation tanks. The freshly harvested agave was left to rest in the sun for eight days before being roasted with mesquite wood for eight days in the family’s conical earthen oven. Once unearthed, the maestro deemed the cooked maguey ready for processing four days later. With help from his daughter, Florencia, the maguey was macerated by machete and passed through a shredder. Despite the heat, the sugar-rich Madrecuixe fibers insisted on a two day long dry fermentation period before asking the addition of 600L of well water per tank. Dictated by the terms of the cooking, the native yeasts particular to the maguey and the family’s palenque gave life to a 10-day long fermentation prior to receiving a double distillation in their copper pot stills. Blending the three distinct cuts of the refined spirit, Cándido and Florencia yielded just about 220 liters of puro Madrecuixe legítimo.