Tepextate | Hermógenes Vásquez + Paula Aquino Sánchez | March 2020 | Spring 2021 Release | TPXHMG2003 | 198 Bottles

Together with his wife, Paula Aquino Sánchez, Hermógenes Vásquez transformed 70 pínas of wild Tepextate plants into 160L of this fantastic spirit. A mix of quiotudo and guía Tepextate were selected from two different family lands, from rugged terrain accessible only on foot. From black and red, rocky slopes, the family harvested enough agave to satisfy three fermentation vats and assemble a sizable production. The Tepextate is a finicky, brutish maguey, preferring steep ravines, cliffs, and an overall arid climate. In the lands around Logoche, Tepextate can often be found growing next to red copal trees, where there exists a symbiotic relationship of water exchange and conservation. The maguey plays a vital role in the dry, semi-tropical ecosystems of Miahuatlán, where the nectar of its flowers provides an abundant source of food to many different pollinators. Amongst people in the region, this maguey has long been prized as a source of medicine, fiber, food, and strong drink, despite its low sugar content and small yields.