Cucharillo, Tequilana, Bicuixe, Espadín | June 2022 | Florencio Vásquez García | ENNFLR2206 | Fall 2023 release | 72 bottles | Prestige Ledroit

Selected as a Prestige-Ledroit exclusive, this Cucharillo (Dasylirion serratifolium) dominant field blend is an extremely unique expression of the lands and craftsmanship of Florencio Vásquez Garcia, in Logoche, Miahuatlán. Florencio participates regularly in the harvest, cooking, and maceration of many productions throughout the season at the palenque of his brother, Hermógenes, but at most, he only makes a couple hundred liters a year with his own agave.  

The Tequilana used in this production comes from the agave that began to arrive to the region from Jalisco in the 1970’s, and became much more prolific in the 1990s, as Oaxacan growers and producers began to supply both agave and distilled liquid to Tequila companies. Some folks held onto these agaves and have been reproducing them for their own use on a small scale ever since. Having never combined these different plants together, Florencio concocted a mix of approximated 50% Cucharillo, 35% Tequilana, 10% Bicuixe, and just one piña of Espadín that made up about 5% of the total weight of the 700kg of cooked agave dedicated to this 75L batch. Florencio kept 15 liters for his own consumption and offered the remaining 60 liters to NETA.

§  Maguey(es): Cucharillo (Dasylirion serratifolium), Tequilana (Agave tequilana), Bicuixe (Agave karwinskii var.), Espadín (Agave angustofolia var.)

§  Provenance of the maguey: mix of homegrown and wild harvested agave from family land

§  Producer: Florencio Vásquez García

§  Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán

§  Soil type: varied parcels; red and rocky tierra colorada, white and rocky tierra blanca cascajuda

§  Rest time after harvest: 10 days

§  Oven: Conical earthen pit; six days with mesquite and guamuchil wood

§  Rest time after oven: eight days

§  Maceration: Machete and shredder

§  Fermentation: Native yeasts; one 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino wood tank

§  Dry fermentation time: 48 hours

§  Wet fermentation time: nine days

§  Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills

§  Final composition: Heads, hearts, and tails

§  Batch size: 75L

§  Date of distillation: June 2022

§  ABV: 47.4%