Madrecuixe verde | February 2022 | Wilfrido García Sánchez | MDVWGS2202 | Summer 2023 release | 60 bottles | Moreno's Liquors


The agaves that were designated for this small batch were an extremely rare type of large and chunky Agave karwinskii known in southeastern Miahuatlán as Madrecuixe Verde. It similar in its morphology to the Madrecuixe, but generally has a thinner, deep green colored penca, and a greater “crown” to “stalk” ratio, creating large piñas with substantial girth. The cooked agave also possesses a completely different flavor profile from the Madrecuixe which is easily identified by eating pieces of the roasted piña. It is also totally distinct from the Cuixe Verde and is one of the various special and unique local varieties of the of Agave karwinskii species found in Miahuatlán.

Wili acquired approximately 800kg of Madrecuixe Verde that was harvest from a red and rocky tierra colorada hillside in San Ildefonso Amatlán, Miahuatlán, 15km south of Logoche and nestled under the mountains of the Sierra Madre del Sur. He harvested the maguey with the full moon of January, which generally provides generous returns, but fluctuating temperatures and cold winds struck during the 10 days of wet fermentation creating unstable and nonideal conditions. As a result, the total yield was about half of what was anticipated, and composed with puntas, cuerpo, and a high proof cut of tails, Wilfrido produced just 50 liters 47.8% abv. This loss, however, is certainly compensated by the anomalous and extraordinary qualities of the spirit, of which we have not seen another.

  • §  Maguey(es): Madrecuixe Verde (Agave karwinskii var.)

  • §  Provenance of the maguey: Cultivated in San Ildefonso Amatlán, Miahuatlán

  • §  Producer: Wilfrido García Sánchez

  • §  Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán

  • §  Soil type: red and rocky tierra colorada

  • §  Rest time after harvest: seven days

  • §  Oven: Conical earthen pit; six days with mesquite

  • §  Rest time after oven: five days

  • §  Maceration: Machete and shredder

  • §  Fermentation: Native yeasts and well water; one 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino

    wood tank

  • §  Dry fermentation time: 24 hours

  • §  Wet fermentation time: 10 days

  • §  Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills

  • §  Final composition: Heads, hearts, and tails

  • §  Batch size: 50L

  • §  Date of distillation: February 2022

  • §  ABV: 47.8% ABV