Pulque chino | November 2022 | Manuel Aquino García | PLCMAQ2211 | Summer 2023 release | 102 bottles | Madre Los Angeles


The Valley of Miahuatlán is home to many different Agave americana varieties. While sparce wild populations exist in certain areas, many of these types have been domesticated over hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of years. These cultivars have been selected for different properties and characteristics, primarily for fiber or food and beverage production. Amongst the Agave americana types used for food and drink, certain varieties were historically dedication to the harvest of aguamiel and the production of pulque, hence the colloquial use of the name maguey pulquero or maguey de pulque. Others, with greater amounts of sugar, such as the Arroqueño and the Sierrudo (aka Mexicano in the region), were cultivated specifically for their use in the making of spirits.

According to producers in the region, there exist three different “types” of Pulque chino, with similar qualities, but with distinct morphological features. Curiously, not all of them actually yield aguamiel, but their color and general appearance are often quite similar. The nomenclate reflects the curly terminal spines, and a distinct wavy texturing of the pencas. Manuel crafted this special batch with 10 piñas of en guía and capón agaves that were cultivated in the nearby village of Xitlapehua in rocky and red tierra colorada. In addition to the mature agave that he purchased, he was able to acquire a few plants for reproduction and cultivation on his own land. Composed with heads and hearts, Manuel produced a total of 80 liters at 48.7% ABV

  • §  Maguey(es): Pulque chino (Agave americana var.)

  • §  Provenance of the maguey: Cultivated in Xitlapehua, Miahuatlán

  • §  Producer: Manuel Aquino García

  • §  Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán

  • §  Soil type: red and rocky tierra colorada

  • §  Rest time after harvest: eight days

  • §  Oven: Conical earthen pit; ten days with mesquite wood

  • §  Rest time after oven: eight days

  • §  Maceration: Machete and shredder

  • §  Fermentation: Native yeasts; two food-grade plastic tubs with a total of 1,100kg of

    cooked agave and 900L of well water

  • §  Dry fermentation time: 48 hours

  • §  Wet fermentation time: five days

  • §  Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills

  • §  Final composition: Heads and hearts

  • §  Batch size: 80L

  • §  Date of distillation: November 2022

  • §  ABV: 48.7%