Penca larga, Arroqueño, Coyote, Espadín | February 2022 | Celso García Cruz | ENNCEL2202 | Summer 2023 release | 72 bottles | AB Liquors


Father and son Celso and Mario made this incredibly unique ensamble with a combination of small amounts of four different magueyes, both cultivated and wild harvested in the region. The seven piñas of Penca Larga that paint much of the aroma and flavor are not actually agave, but a different genus identified as Furcraea guerrerensis. Acquired from magueyeros in the Zapotec speaking area of Santa Lucia, Miahuatlán, palenqueros in Logoche have been working with this maguey since 2019 and have observed that much like the Jabalín, the Penca Larga is rich and saponins and quite low in sugar. Similarly, the flavors are quiet dominant when combined with other maguey, so its inclusion in ensambles with high-sugar and low-saponin maguey is quite practical.

To tamper the aggressive foaming caused by these saponins, Celso and Mario included two piñas of Arroqueño, ten piñas of Coyote, and two piñas of Espadín- a mix of different species and soil types. 700kg of cooked maguey was co-fermented for 10 days before being twice distilled in copper pots. Adjusting with a mix of heads, hearts, and a splash of distilled water, the two composed 70L at 47.1% ABV.

  • §  Maguey(es): Penca Larga (Furcraea guerrerensis), Arroqueño (Agave americana var.), Coyote (Agave sp.), Espadín (Agave angustifolia var.)

  • §  Provenance of the maguey: Homegrown and wild harvested (Penca Larga from Santa Lucia, Miahuatlán)

  • §  Producer: Celso García Cruz and Mario García Jarquín

  • §  Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán

  • §  Soil type: mix of parcels and terrain; casjaco rojo, tierra colorada, tierra morada

  • §  Rest time after harvest: 5-7 days

  • §  Oven: Conical earthen pit; seven days with oak

  • §  Rest time after oven: nine days

  • §  Maceration: Machete and shredder

  • §  Fermentation: Native yeasts and well water; one 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino

    wood tank

  • §  Dry fermentation time: 48 hours

  • §  Wet fermentation time: eight days

  • §  Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills

  • §  Final composition: Heads, hearts, and distilled water

  • §  Batch size: 70L

  • §  Date of distillation: March 2023

  • §  ABV: 47.1%